Proposal templates allow you to create multiple versions of the Proposal so you can easily switch between various setups. For example, you could have a report template designed for prospects, one designed for client reviews, one for model analysis, etc.

In order to create a template, first access the Proposal Settings page located under the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen. Click on the blue "Create Template" button at the top of the page to name your new template. When you create a new template, it copies the current default template in your system. Depending on your organization's settings you may or may not be able to select whether this template is for your account or your entire organization. Note: Creating a new template will make a copy of your default template off of which you can edit. 


Once you hit save, you will be brought back to the Proposal Settings page. Here you will have the option to customize many different aspects of your proposal. You can insert a header and/or footer, customize font style, and rearrange the sections that you want to include, in the order that you desire. Simply click on the section and drag it to the desired location. Note: Make sure to click submit in each box to save your changes as you progress. 


You also have the option to insert a cover page, or any other file you wish to include in your proposal. These can also be arranged into a preferred order. Text on the cover page can be alligned to fit your cover page needs. 

Once you are done, the template will be available to use. When you get to a Generate Proposal screen, you'll notice a new "Template" section that allows you to see all your templates from a dropdown menu and select the template you wish to use. On the right side you can also make any additional changes that will override the template settings you have set. Note: These changes will only override your template for this specific proposal. Any edits to the actual template must be made in the Proposal Settings page. 

Note: For larger organizations with suborgs, if your only template is the "My Organization - Default" Template, your suborg users will not have the ability to pick from different templates when creating a proposal. Their template will automatically be made using the "My Organization - Default" template. 

Finally, you can delete an entire template by clicking on the red "Delete Template" button at the top of the proposal settings page. Note: Default templates cannot be deleted.

For more information about Proposals, visit our KB section on Proposals here: