The HiddenLevers tool can include annuities in portfolios, and annuities created in an account which can be re-used across portfolios without the need to recreate them every time. It is also possible to share annuities with other accounts in an organization. The example that follows shows the process for editing an existing annuity and creating a new annuity entry in the "Custom Assets" section of HiddenLevers. First, we log in to the HiddenLevers account, hover over the "Data Center" menu in the black bar at the top of the screen, and click on "Custom Assets":
This will open the "Custom Assets" section of HiddenLevers which has four tabs - "Custom Datasets", "Managed Products", "Annuities" and "Fixed Income". Access to "Custom Datasets" and "Managed Products" is dependent on your HiddenLevers subscription but all users have access to the "Annuities" tab.
Clicking on the "Annuities" tab will display any existing annuities linked to the account. These can be annuities created already by yourself and those created by other members of your organization and shared from their account.
The picture below shows an account with an annuity created by the owner (FA:ANNT1).
The shared annuities can only be edited from the accounts with ownership of them. The annuity FA:ANNT1 can be edited by clicking on the blue pencil icon to the left of the annuity's name:
This will open the "Enter Annuity Position" modal populated with the details of the annuity, these can then be edited to reflect the required changes, and those changes saved by clicking on the blue "Submit" button. The blue "Cancel" button will cancel any changes and return to the "Annuities" tab. The red "Delete" button will delete the annuity from the HiddenLevers account - if the annuity is shared it cannot be deleted:
New annuities can be created in the "Custom Assets" section from the "Annuities" tab by clicking on the blue "Add Annuity" button in the top left of the screen:
This will open the "Enter Annuity Position" modal, enter the details for the annuity and click the blue "Submit" button to save the annuity. When you have finished you can return to the "Dashboard" by clicking on the HiddenLevers logo in the top left of the screen: