When creating portfolios, you may now run into a Warning message at the top of your screen (as seen below). Please do not disregard this message as it may cause issues in your reports.
This warning message is caused by creating a household with two or more portfolios of different types. This is an issue because a household that contains both percent and dollar/share portfolios will not be analyzable. To fix this, you will need to make sure all portfolios are of the same type and assign this type to the household.
Simply click on the portfolio you'd like to change. A dropdown menu will appear when you can select "Edit". Once you are on the modal to edit you portfolio, you will need to change the type as well as the allocation to all positions.
Assigning the same type to the household can be done by clicking on the household name, and selecting "Edit" from the dropdown menu. You will then have the option to select between Real Value Household (Dollar Type) or Percent Allocation Household (Percent Type). Select the one you want and click save.