There are many different ways to customize your proposals beyond the basic options offered on the proposal generation page.

If you hover over the gear icon at the top right corner of your screen, a drop-down menu will appear. Click on the “Proposal Settings” button where you will be taken to a page where you can customize your entire proposal. 

Here’s a step by step walkthrough:

Header and Footer

If you currently don’t have any images uploaded in the header + footer, our system’s logo and default information will be used in your proposals. 

When creating your custom header and footer be sure that your header canvas is 612 x 60px and your footer canvas is 612 x 30px. Once completed, simply click ‘Choose File’ and once it has been added click submit.

Style Settings

In style settings, you can change the Primary Color”, “Font Color” and “Primary Font” to complement your brand. This will only change the font and color in the footer and title boxes. Make sure to click submit in order for your changes to be saved.


Proposal Sections

HiddenLevers has 18 proposal sections, but we understand that you may not need certain sections regardless of who the proposal is for. So, in this section you can drag unwanted section to the right in ‘Not Included in Proposals’ and they will never appear.

You also have the ability to rearrange these sections, simply click and drag the section to match your preferred order.

Cover Page

You can create your own cover page and upload it to be used for all of your proposals. However, if you’re happy with just your logo, this can be done by adding your logo in the ‘Branding’ tab in ‘Account Settings’

The Client and Advisor name fields can be edited to add or remove text. However, @Client Name@ and @Advisor Name@ cannot be deleted.


Add Additional Files + Fact Sheets

This section allows you to add additional files such as static marketing pages. ( i.e.  “About Us” or “What We Do” page) Fact sheets can also be added by entering the Ticker and uploading the file or entering the url.

(Anytime one of these tickers are included in a portfolio, the fact sheet will be added to your proposal)