Log in to Addepar and Create the HiddenLevers view:
Click on the Top Level Group and select the Edit button – top right.
Create Groupings
Create Columns
Save the view as “Hiddenlevers View”
Go to the HiddenLevers View. Click on the Export > Generate API URL.
Copy the URL and Save to notepad or a document.
Now Get the API Key and Secret. Navigate to this screen.
Click on the + button and create a key.
Create a new key called “HiddenLevers”. Copy the key and secret to notepad or a document. You will need it later.
Now log into HiddenLevers. Navigate to the Integrations Page and select Addepar.
Enter the API Key, Secret and URL from above.
Click on “Activate” and wait for success or errors. This load will take 10-15 minutes.